Google to Host Webinar, Participate in AAN Convention

march 31, 2009  09:39 am
It's official: online giant Google will have a presence in the Arizona desert this June at AAN's 32nd Annual Convention.

Google is taking on both sides of the convention coin: drinks and development. The company is sponsoring the opening night cocktail reception, and will also be making presentations focusing on both its ad-server software Ad Manager, and its ad network AdSense.

The Ad Manager presentation will be a follow-up to an exclusive webinar for AAN members led by senior ad serving consultant Mark Wolly. The webinar is scheduled for Thursday, April 23 at 2 pm EDT. All AAN member publishers and senior managers will receive email invitations to the webinar, and there is no limit to the number of people at each company who can participate.

"In the space of ten years, Google has changed the world, including the world of advertising," AAN executive director Richard Karpel says. "We appreciate their support and look forward to hearing from them directly during the webinar and at the convention."

The 32nd Annual AAN Convention is scheduled for June 25-27 in Tucson.