AltWeeklies Wire

RNC Report: Billionaires for Bushnew

Activists can sometimes be way too earnest, but these guys are always good for a chuckle.
Boston Phoenix  |  Camille Dodero  |  08-30-2004  |  Politics

RNC Report: A History of the GOPnew

If the crappy cover band stationed outside Madison Square Garden this morning didn’t get Republican delegates good and pumped, the stirring History of Modern Republicanism recounted on three video screens while they waited to enter the building probably did the trick.
Boston Phoenix  |  Adam Reilly  |  08-30-2004  |  Politics

Ragtag No More: Battling Bush Has Made Left Savviernew

One sign of the left's increasing sophistication is that even the anarchists are taking media training sessions.
Long Island Press  |  Elizabeth Cady Brown  |  08-30-2004  |  Politics

Delegates Check Out New York's Strip Clubsnew

As the Republican delegates come in, a strip-club waitress witnesses ever-increasing levels of naïveté and even some family values.
The Village Voice  |  Anonymous  |  08-30-2004  |  Recreation

RNC Report: Chasing the Elephants Out of Times Squarenew

After Sunday's protest march, Central Park was calm, but Times Square was contested turf.
Boston Phoenix  |  Camille Dodero  |  08-30-2004  |  Politics

RNC Report: Caught in the Meshnew

Our correspondent narrowly escapes arrest at the corner of 45th and Broadway.
Boston Phoenix  |  David Bernstein  |  08-30-2004  |  Politics

RNC Report: Who Hates the President? Apparently

Massive protests greeted Republican National Convention delegates in New York City Sunday, demonstrating a widespread animosity against George W. Bush.
Boston Phoenix  |  Camille Dodero  |  08-30-2004  |  Politics

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