AltWeeklies Wire

Behind the Numbernew

In January, The Commercial Appeal raised eyebrows with its decision to display the estimated number of babies born to Tennessee's single mothers for the year.
The Memphis Flyer  |  Preston Lauterbach  |  02-15-2008  |  Children & Families

Baby Bluesnew

Proposed Tennessee law would bar gay couples or unmarried, straight couples from adopting children.
The Memphis Flyer  |  Bianca Phillips  |  02-15-2008  |  Children & Families

State Changes Make It Harder for Familiesnew

Last year, to help plug a $70 million budget gap, the state froze its subsidies to child-care providers at 2005 levels. It doesn't plan to raise the rates again until 2009.
Isthmus  |  Vikki Kratz  |  02-04-2008  |  Children & Families

Portrait of Jenynew

For this fifteen-year-old, it's been a long road to home.
Westword  |  Luke Turf  |  01-28-2008  |  Children & Families

More Than a Gamenew

For many Oklahomans, sports, particulary football, is a way of life -- and the rest is just details.
Urban Tulsa Weekly  |  Brian Ervin  |  01-23-2008  |  Children & Families

What is Judge Richard Chaney Hiding?new

For years, the Durham District Court Judge has mentored troubled teens, but his conduct has raised concerns.
INDY Week  |  Mosi Secret  |  01-17-2008  |  Children & Families

One Child at a Timenew

Court Appointed Special Advocates make a positive difference in the lives of children in foster care -- one case at a time.
Gambit  |  Sarah Andert  |  01-16-2008  |  Children & Families

Is Workplace Daycare a Workable Solution?new

For 30 years in Canada, advocates have lobbied for a federal child-care system funded by taxpayers to address the drought of quality spaces. The lobby hasn't been successful.
The Georgia Straight  |  Pieta Woolley  |  12-17-2007  |  Children & Families

Mississippi Settles Foster Care Suitnew

Mississippi Attorney General is confident in a new foster care reform plan, which other states can imitate.
Jackson Free Press  |  Ronni Mott  |  11-20-2007  |  Children & Families

Child Protective Services: Problems, Reforms & More Problemsnew

A quick fix may only have created more problems for CPS and the families it serves.
Houston Press  |  Paul Knight  |  11-14-2007  |  Children & Families

Tenn. Lets Sketchy Youth Treatment Center Off the Hooknew

The state continues to license the Chad Youth Enhancement Center, where two have died and many others have been abused.
Nashville Scene  |  Elizabeth Ulrich  |  11-09-2007  |  Children & Families

'Baby Bargains' Dishes Dirtnew

Alan and Denise Fields are on a mission to warn new parents about the baby/industrial complex.
Westword  |  Joel Warner  |  10-22-2007  |  Children & Families

Getting Children Outdoorsnew

Gardening can be a way to unplug your kids.
Illinois Times  |  Jennifer Fishburn  |  08-23-2007  |  Children & Families

In the Line of Firenew

Fire bureau shutters low-income daycare center.
The Portland Mercury  |  Scott Moore  |  08-16-2007  |  Children & Families

Embracing the Spectrumnew

Gender educator Stephanie Brill has a mantra to spread: Let your kids be who they want to be.
East Bay Express  |  Lauren Gard  |  08-08-2007  |  Children & Families

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