AltWeeklies Wire

Confessions of a Black Gentrifiernew

Think demographic change is all about white people moving into black neighborhoods? Think again.
Washington City Paper  |  Shani O. Hilton  |  03-21-2011  |  Housing & Development

Gay Men Should Get HIV Tests Twice a Year, Says Washington,

With new statistics showing alarming levels of HIV infection among the estimated 36,500 District men who have gay sex, the city is recommending that they be tested for the virus twice yearly.
Washington City Paper  |  Mike DeBonis  |  03-26-2010  |  LGBT

What Has D.C. Gotten for the $10 Million it's Paid Ron Moten's Peaceoholics?new

Since 2005, Peaceoholics has received more than $10 million in grants and loans from the D.C. government and agencies that work closely with the city on youth social services. Most of that money, about $500,000 per month, goes toward salaries, expenses and rent for the group’s office in Southeast D.C. Yet just what Peaceoholics does with its grants has surfaced as a public issue twice in 2009.
Washington City Paper  |  Jeffrey Anderson  |  10-08-2009  |  Crime & Justice

The Ex-Gay Movement That Wasn't: Meet D.C.'s Tiniest Demographicnew

This summer, a D.C. Superior Court judge ruled that ex-gays ought to be protected under the D.C. Human Rights Act's sexual orientation clause, alongside heterosexuals, bisexuals, and gays. But are there any ex-gays in town?
Washington City Paper  |  Amanda Hess  |  09-10-2009  |  LGBT

The Case for a Gay Marriage Vote in

Anti-gay-marriage forces have taken to advocating for a ballot initiative, hoping for a 2010 repeat of last year’s California drama. Out-of-town forces are already massing, eager to turn the nation's capital into a high-profile battleground. But despite fears, here's why D.C.'s lefties should support a gay marriage vote.
Washington City Paper  |  Mike DeBonis  |  09-10-2009  |  LGBT

How the District's Children Dienew

Every year between 130 and 160 children and youth die in the District -- by murder, by suicide, by infection, by falls, by a fire that broke out from a candle being used to heat a house, by neglect.
Washington City Paper  |  Jason Cherkis  |  09-04-2009  |  Children & Families

Crap Shoot: Many D.C. Pools Contain Bacteria That Could Cause Illnessnew

Though the swimming facilities have plenty of signage apprising bathers of the pool's rules and regulations, there's no sign to update patrons on the germ count. Meaning that every time you take a dip, you're putting your health squarely in the hands of the Department of Parks and Recreation and its corps of very young lifeguards. Is that a smart gamble?
Washington City Paper  |  Christine MacDonald  |  08-27-2009  |  Science

Bitter Pill: How D.C.'s Pharmacies Fail Womennew

When it comes to birth control, pharmacists may refuse to do their jobs for any reason -- or none at all.
Washington City Paper  |  Amanda Hess  |  12-18-2008  |  Science

Gay Marriage in D.C. is Only a Matter of Timenew

Eleanor Holmes Norton thinks undue haste on gay marriage could be Congressionally disastrous, but Councilman David A. Catania is going to introduce a bill anyway.
Washington City Paper  |  Mike DeBonis  |  12-11-2008  |  LGBT

Why Are 'Green' Apartments So Rare in D.C.?new

"People say they want green, but they still want their SUV," says the CEO of "People want green when it comes to condominium apartments -- if they can have everything else for the same amount, they'll take it. But they often don't choose it."
Washington City Paper  |  Ruth Samuelson  |  11-20-2008  |  Housing & Development

One of the D.C. Police Dept's Top Informants Talks About a Decade on the Streetsnew

How to buy drugs without blowing your cover. How to gain the trust of old heads. And an insider's look at the carnage of D.C.'s Trinidad neighborhood.
Washington City Paper  |  As told to Jason Cherkis  |  07-10-2008  |  Crime & Justice

With His Gun-Case Majority Opinion, Scalia Proved He's a Fraudnew

This man who claims to have studied the Constitution his entire life and to have dedicated his professional career to upholding the document exactly as it was written has, through some of the clumsiest legal verbiage ever put down on paper, shown his true stripe, that of an opportunist laying in wait.
Tucson Weekly  |  Tom Danehy  |  07-03-2008  |  Crime & Justice

Taking a Shot at the Supreme Courtnew

This past week's Supreme Court ruling, invalidating Washington, DC's handgun ban, demonstrates just how far afield "movement conservatism" has taken our country.
Boston Phoenix  |  Editorial  |  07-03-2008  |  Civil Liberties

Ad Campaign Latest Effort to take Smithfield Foods to Tasknew

Faith leaders, elected officials and Smithfield workers will gather in D.C. to unveil a series of advertisements decrying working conditions at the company's sprawling hog processing plant in North Carolina. The ads will soon begin appearing on the sides of buses and metro station walls across the D.C. metropolitan area.
Port Folio Weekly  |  Vernal Coleman  |  06-18-2008  |  Business & Labor

The Anatomy of a Fatal Turf War in One D.C. Neighborhoodnew

The Shaw of yesteryear has disappeared, and yet its crew history is still evolving. The 7th Street crew perpetuates the neighborhood's intractable crime problem. Over the years, it has carried on feuds with groups in three directions, feuds whose origins no one can really pin down.
Washington City Paper  |  Ruth Samuelson  |  05-30-2008  |  Crime & Justice

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