AltWeeklies Wire

Capitalist? Terrorist? Don't Be Reluctant to See This Thrillernew

"In that moment [of 9/11], I felt the awe, audacity, the ruthlessness of the act, surpassed only by its genius."
Boise Weekly  |  George Prentice  |  05-15-2013  |  Reviews

Is 'Amelia' Ready for Takeoff?new

Sticking to the period of the middle 1930s during which she became a celebrity, Mira Nair's film doesn't have much to add to the Earhart lore, but by necessity of movie convention does have much to subtract from the actual life.
C-Ville Weekly  |  Jonathan Kiefer  |  10-28-2009  |  Reviews

'Amelia' is a Handsome, Dull and Utterly Banal Earhart Biographynew

Mira Nair's film is old-school Hollywood in that musty, detached way that impresses no one and ultimately does a disservice to the person it so dutifully strains to deify.
Metro Times  |  Jeff Meyers  |  10-27-2009  |  Reviews

Hilary Swank Talks About Mastering Amelia Earhart's Walk and Talknew

"You may think you know how it ends," Swank says about Amelia, "but you have to see it to see if it ends the way you think it does, because there are a lot of theories about it."
Artvoice  |  M. Faust  |  10-23-2009  |  Profiles & Interviews

Moving Castlesnew

Generational growing pains tarnish Nair's family portrait.
Eugene Weekly  |  Molly Templeton  |  04-06-2007  |  Reviews

What's In a Name?new

The Namesake ponders many things -- maybe you can figure them out.
Style Weekly  |  Wayne Melton  |  04-05-2007  |  Reviews

Oh! Calcutta!new

Mira Nair's complex meditation on family, relationships, and identity, traces the saga of two generations of an Indian-American family, as outlined in Jhumpa Lahiri's bestselling novel.
Austin Chronicle  |  Toddy Burton  |  03-29-2007  |  Reviews

Fitting Innew

Mira Nair overreaches in her latest story about assimilation.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Felicia Feaster  |  03-29-2007  |  Reviews

Staking Traditionnew

The Namesake takes an honest look at the complexities of immigration and family.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Matt Prigge  |  03-19-2007  |  Reviews

Global Family Valuesnew

Mira Nair talks about her latest film, an intergenerational family saga about Ashoke and Ashima who, immediately after their arranged marriage in Calcutta, immigrate to the United States.
New York Press  |  Jennifer Merin  |  03-08-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

Nair's Fairnew

Reese Witherspoon gets her period piece.
Missoula Independent  |  Nicole Panter  |  09-30-2004  |  Reviews

Pomp and Circumstance Drives Brit-Lit Romancenew

I really couldn't give a toss if poor Ms. So-and-so finally climbs up that snobby social ladder and marries Lord What's-his-name.
Weekly Alibi  |  Devin D. O'Leary  |  09-03-2004  |  Reviews

Reese's Pieces of Thackeraynew

Disappointing screen adaptation lacks the novel's satiric edge.
Austin Chronicle  |  Marjorie Baumgarten  |  09-02-2004  |  Reviews

Mira Nair Spins Thackeray's Classic Heroinenew

Nair's multifaceted work has often focused on outsiders, from the Bombay strippers in her 1985 documentary India Cabaret, to the Cuban exiles living in Miami in The Perez Family. It thus seemed almost inevitable that Nair would one day turn to Vanity Fair, which she's loved since she first read it as a 16-year-old growing up in Orissa, India.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Felicia Feaster  |  08-26-2004  |  Profiles & Interviews

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