AltWeeklies Wire

The Return of Mingering Mikenew

For decades, D.C. songwriter Mingering Mike has refused to reveal his identity to the public. Given the right opportunity, though, he might just be ready.
Washington City Paper  |  Jason Cherkis  |  10-23-2008  |  Music

Faraquet Had Novel Ideas About what Guitars Can Do, but Don't Call it Math Rocknew

Of course they could play in odd time signatures. And, yes, they were, at times, willfully obtuse. But at the heart of every Faraquet song is an actual song.
Washington City Paper  |  Brent Burton  |  07-24-2008  |  Reviews

A Friend's Death and a Cop's Support Spawn a Go-Go Bandnew

Highly Respected wanted enough money to buy a headstone for a murdered friend. Enter Mitch Credle.
Washington City Paper  |  Angela Valdez  |  07-10-2008  |  Music

Road Tripnew

A mid-list glam-trash rock band spent six weeks in an RV, fueled by chili.
Houston Press  |  Brian McManus  |  11-14-2005  |  Profiles & Interviews

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