AltWeeklies Wire

Virginia Organizing Project Fights for Ex-Con Voting Rightsnew

A recent speeding ticket set back Harold Folley's efforts to regain his voting rights, 15 years after he was released from prison. He's trying to help other ex-cons navigate Virginia's byzantine restoration process.
C-Ville Weekly  |  Chiara Canzi  |  01-14-2009  |  Politics

Election '08: The Can't Votersnew

Millions of people who will be greatly affected by the outcome of next week's election, but won't be able to cast a vote in it. And yet, some of these same people -- those who don't meet citizenship requirements, the incarcerated and the underaged -- are more invested in the political process than many eligible Americans.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  Tom Namako  |  10-30-2008  |  Politics

Should Nevada's Ex-Felons Vote?new

In 2003, the state approved a provision to automatically restore voting rights for first-time, nonviolent felons immediately after completion of their sentence. However, the compromise state legislators forged to get the bill passed left a muddled mess with different stipulations depending on when the conviction occurred and the type of felony. Even the most eager to cast their vote this year can easily be deterred by the bureaucratic swamp they must wade through first.
Las Vegas Weekly  |  Tovin Lapan  |  07-11-2008  |  Politics

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