AltWeeklies Wire

No Wonder Obama Won -- He's Been on Message Since He Was 28new

I'd like to think that when it comes to politics I have the same nose for talent, but I have to admit that when it came to Barack Obama -- the most gifted politician of my lifetime -- I blew it.
Chicago Reader  |  Ben Joravsky  |  01-16-2009  |  Commentary

Being Obama: The President, Electednew

You didn't have to drink the Kool-Aid to see that the country was transformed just by choosing Barack Obama. Not since Kennedy has a president-elect so clearly stood for a new generation taking over.
Chicago Reader  |  Michael Miner  |  01-16-2009  |  Commentary

Obama the Magic Christiannew

In the movie The Magic Christian, you might remember how people dove into a cesspool after the dirty dollars that were thrown there. People were willing to cover themselves in excrement just for the sake of the almighty dollar. Now that the dollar is not so almighty anymore, perhaps there's a better way to be a Magic Christian.
Random Lengths News  |  Lionel Rolfe  |  01-16-2009  |  Commentary

A History of Our Inaugural West Swingers and White House Hoedownsnew

A recap of the swearing ins and outs of the past, in hope of inspiring the best inaugural bash ever.
Boston Phoenix  |  Kara Baskin  |  01-16-2009  |  Commentary

There's Not Much Hand-Wringing in San Diego GOP Circlesnew

Beneath the hullabaloo of the upcoming presidential inauguration can be heard a hearty debate over the direction of the Republican Party -- just not in San Diego.
San Diego CityBeat  |  Eric Wolff  |  01-07-2009  |  Politics

The Year Ahead: A Comic Essaynew

2009? Really? Wasn't it just 1999? Oh, all right. Fine. Here's a look at the year ahead.
C-Ville Weekly  |  Jen Sorensen  |  01-07-2009  |  Commentary

George W. Bush's Departure is the End of an Eranew

In the minds of most people -- a majority of Americans, and the overwhelming majority of people elsewhere -- we are saying good riddance to a long period when brutal and ignorant policies reigned supreme. We are saying goodbye to George W. Bush, and Muntadhar al-Zaidi said it most eloquently.
The Georgia Straight  |  Gwynne Dyer  |  01-05-2009  |  Commentary

2008: The Year of the Nerdnew

Barack Obama collects Spider-Man comics and knows how to communicate with Vulcans. But in a year when many a dashing high-school quarterback and perfect prom queen got wedgies from the freaks and geeks, its really no surprise he was elected.
Boston Phoenix  |  Ryan Stewart  |  12-29-2008  |  Commentary

Obama's Victory Was Bought and Paid for -- with Changenew

Though the American dollar is now taking a horrific beating in these financial End Times, it's still strong enough to put a man in the Oval Office.
Boston Phoenix  |  Steven Stark  |  12-29-2008  |  Commentary

Pastor Wiley Drake Thinks He Still Has a Prayer of Unseating Barack Obamanew

Drake is not discouraged in light of the Dec. 8 announcement the U.S. Supreme Court will not hear a New Jersey man's case that argued Barack Obama cannot be sworn in as president because his father was a British citizen.
OC Weekly  |  Matt Coker  |  12-23-2008  |  Politics

Is It Funny Yet? Second City Enters the Obama Eranew

Hope versus fear, optimism versus skepticism -- that's the theme of Second City's smart, often hilarious response to this historic moment, America: All Better!
Chicago Reader  |  Albert Williams  |  12-22-2008  |  Theater

The '08 Election Made ACORN a Household Name, but At What Cost?new

Although ACORN has spent the last 38 years helping low- and middle-income families with problems as big as home foreclosures and as small as neighborhood speed bumps, for many Americans the 2008 campaign marked the first time they’d ever heard of it.
San Antonio Current  |  Gilbert Garcia  |  12-18-2008  |  Politics

Take Back Baracknew

We didn't vote for Obama. We voted for Change. Obama owes progressives his election. We need to take back Barack!
Portland Phoenix  |  Jeff Inglis and Deirdre Fulton  |  12-17-2008  |  Commentary

How Obama's Ground Game Helped Him Win North Carolinanew

In the run-up to February's Super Tuesday primaries, no one guessed that North Carolina could, in the early morning hours of Nov. 5, become the 28th state to declare for Obama.
The Texas Observer  |  Lawrence Goodwyn  |  12-17-2008  |  Politics

Obama: Smells Like Bob Dylan

Barack Obama passes himself off as America's first Generation X president. When it comes to his personal style and politics, however, he identifies with the Boomers.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  12-10-2008  |  Commentary

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