AltWeeklies Wire
Journalist T.R. Reid Makes it Plain: Universal Coverage is the Answernew
The take-home lesson, repeated frequently during an hour-long conversation with the Independent, boils down basically to this: Provide universal health care, and the rest will follow.
Colorado Springs Independent |
Anthony Lane |
02-25-2010 |
Blue Dog Bites Districtnew
During a mega-sized conference call with more than 6,000 of his constituents last month, Fourth Congressional District Rep. Mike Ross had to assure one nervous woman, "I'll never vote for any bill to kill old people."
Arkansas Times |
Paul Barton |
09-04-2009 |
How the National Death Panel Hysteria Spiraled Out from Little Old Oregonnew
It makes sense that the national "death panel" hysteria has its roots here in Portland. Oregonians have dealt with tricky end-of-life issues in the political arena for over a decade now.
The Portland Mercury |
Sarah Mirk |
08-28-2009 |