AltWeeklies Wire
Walling Off the Rio Grande Will Claim Many Victimsnew
The Great River is now considered one of the world's most endangered waterways, but Texans may not have to watch this serpent expire from overuse. Homeland Security, empowered by the Secure Fence Act of 2006, is rushing to wall off the U.S. border with Mexico. In so doing, the River herself -- and thousands of our wildest acres -- stands forfeit.
San Antonio Current |
Greg Harman |
03-12-2008 |
Surveyor Stakes and Costly Mistakes at the Bordernew
I've been on the road for a week, visiting with residents who make their home on El Rio and considering how U.S. Homeland Security plans to wall the border will change la frontera.
San Antonio Current |
Greg Harman |
03-05-2008 |
Grappling With the Border Wallnew

A major policy shift is underway on the Texas border. Following the failure of Congress and the Bush administration to forge new immigration policies, those looking north have only the face of Homeland Security to judge us by. That face is the Wall.
San Antonio Current |
Greg Harman |
02-27-2008 |
Facing Construction Slowdown, Brazilian Immigrants Leaving South Carolinanew
Brazilians are leaving the area in droves, propelled by the downturn in the construction industry, the decreasing value of the dollar, and the fear of a statewide crackdown on illegal immigration.
Charleston City Paper |
Jared Goyette |
02-20-2008 |
He's an ... Illegal Eh-liennew

He's stealing our jobs and our women. Plus, he talks funny. Meet Morgan, the illegal Canadian immigrant.
Willamette Week |
Beth Slovic |
02-20-2008 |
Why Does the Mexican Border Wall Bypass the Rich and Connected?new
Texas resident Eloisa Tamez wants to know why her land is getting a border wall from Homeland Security, while a nearby golf course and resort remain untouched.
The Texas Observer |
Melissa del Bosque |
02-19-2008 |
Patrolling South Texas for Illegal Immigrantsnew
Border Patrolman Jorge Diaz left Mexico at 12. For 20 years, he's trolled the South Texas brush for illegal compatriots.
Dallas Observer |
Megan Feldman |
01-28-2008 |
An Epidemic of Violence Against SF Day Laborersnew
While criminals are bludgeoning and shooting workers who line up to hail building contractors who might give them work, neither the police nor any other government agency or nonprofit seems motivated to see the crimes reported, and the assailants tracked down and jailed.
SF Weekly |
Matt Smith |
01-23-2008 |
New Immigration Rules Could Empty the Kitchensnew
Tough rules leave restaurants looking for cooks with green cards.
Dallas Observer |
Megan Feldman |
10-15-2007 |
The Border Yields Bones, But Not Answersnew

Sometimes undocumented immigrants who cross the border find work and share the bounty with their families back home -- sometimes they die, leaving their families only questions that will never be answered.
The Texas Observer |
Jesse Bogan |
10-05-2007 |
In Immigration Battle, Letters as Leveragenew
Bay Area activists are leading the fight against a new Bush administration crackdown on undocumented workers.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Joseph Plaster |
09-20-2007 |
Taking Aim at New Haven's Immigrant Policynew
Florida Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite, a Republican, is introducing legislation that would punish cities like New Haven that have explicit "don't ask, don't tell" policies on illegal immigration -- even though none of these cities are in Florida.
New Haven Advocate |
Freda Moon |
09-18-2007 |
Texas Pols Need to Get Off the Fencenew
Our governor and two U.S. senators know a fence is pointless -- but since short-term political expediency seems to demand one, they are desperately trying to obscure their barren leadership with comb-overs.
The Texas Observer |
Editorial |
09-10-2007 |
The Inanity of a DHS Fence in South Texasnew

A proposed Rio Grande fence will separate families, wreck economies, and threaten wildlife, but it won't stop illegal immigrants.
The Texas Observer |
Mary Jo McConahay |
09-10-2007 |
New Law Causes Real Problems for Wisconsin Immigrantsnew
The state's Real ID law took effect in April, presaging changes in federal law that will mandate that motor vehicle authorities verify immigration status.
Isthmus |
Mary Ellen Bell |
08-27-2007 |