AltWeeklies Wire
Water: Worst-Case Scenarios, What-Ifs, Heroes and Wastersnew

Humankind’s most recently scheduled date with the apocalypse came and went without much fanfare. But in New Mexico this year, with fire scorching the ground, smoke filling the air and drought settling in, it doesn’t exactly feel like we’ve gotten off scot-free.
Santa Fe Reporter |
Zane Fischer |
06-21-2011 |
Endangered Species Act Has Kept the Water Flowing in Texas, and it Won't Stop the Oilnew
Despite all the political huffing you hear coming from Texas these days, the federal Endangered Species Act has actually been an economic boon to Texas.
San Antonio Current |
Greg Harman |
06-09-2011 |
U.S. Opinion Leaders Emphasize Importance of Tar Sands Reviewnew

Premier Ed Stelmach is incensed that Barack Obama won't swallow his pro-oil industry and anti-environment rhetoric when it comes to Aberta's tar sands.
VUE Weekly |
Ricardo Acuna |
04-20-2011 |
Midnight at the Oasisnew

How the madman of Libya is advancing energy progress in South Texas.
San Antonio Current |
Michael Wurth |
03-11-2011 |
Following the Dollarsnew

Questioning who benefits when oil companies invest research dollars in universities.
VUE Weekly |
Cam Fenton |
01-14-2011 |
Big Oil's Roadblocknew

Grassroots citizens fight oil rigs -- and their massive loads -- from barrelling through.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Jeff Gailus |
11-29-2010 |
Policy Issues
Drill Downnew

Love it or hate it, the oil and gas industry is as much a part of modern New Mexico as red and green chile.
Santa Fe Reporter |
Laura Paskus |
10-07-2010 |
Calif. Governor Signs Rigs-to-Reefs Billnew

Controversial Proposal to Allow Offshore Oil Platforms to Remain Once Dead Becomes Law.
Santa Barbara Independent |
Matt Kettmann |
10-04-2010 |
Tags: Oil, Arnold Schwarzenegger
Look Closer at 'Environmentalism' and Economic Healthnew
Every January since 1969, speakers, writers and aged witnesses are asked to recall the offshore oil well blowouts. They’re always asked, "What was it like?” By now, shouldn’t the question be, “Is it still relevant?”
Santa Barbara Independent |
Robert Sollen |
02-08-2010 |
New Mexico's Environmental Horrors Could Lead to a Scary Sci-Fi Futurenew
In New Mexico, environmental horrors abound. Corporations influence the government's ability to regulate environmental emergencies, people who might otherwise be allies have faced off against one another in battle, and climate change is already punching its tentacles into the Southwestern landscape.
Santa Fe Reporter |
Laura Paskus |
10-29-2009 |
'Crude' Dives into the Toxic Battle Between Big Oil and Dying Natives in Ecuadornew

Joe Berlinger's remarkable documentary recounts an infuriating litany of South American exploitation, backroom glad-handing and bureaucratic dead ends that has, among other collateral damages, created a Rhode Island-sized "death zone" of toxic pollution in the middle of the Ecuadorian Amazon.
L.A. Weekly |
Scott Foundas |
09-18-2009 |
Is Oil or Religion More to Blame for Iran's Ills?new
Even though I'm a theocracy-hating non-believer, I actually think Iran's primary illness is that it has oil. In my opinion, the country's evil theocrats are merely a secondary symptom of the main sickness.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Andisheh Nouraee |
07-07-2009 |
Pipeline Would Bring Tankers Into B.C. Inletsnew

Although governments prefer to dance around the prickly question of an oil-tanker ban on the British Columbia coast, conservation groups, many First Nations, and other critics say the reasons for a moratorium still stand: simply that tanker traffic and oil spills pose a serious threat.
The Georgia Straight |
Andrew Findlay |
02-09-2009 |
Animal Issues
Why is Florida's Top Tourism Bureau Backing Offshore Drilling?new
The Florida Association of Convention and Visitors Bureaus recently endorsed oil drilling off of Florida's coast.
Creative Loafing (Tampa) |
Alex Pickett |
12-16-2008 |
Falling Oil Prices Raise the Pressure on Irannew
Unlike the quasi-effective Security Council sanctions of the past, the U.S. and its allies finally have good leverage on Iran. It would be a diplomatic misfortune if the next U.S. president could not see that in this time of peril, there could also be a moment of promise for peace in the Middle East.
Ventura County Reporter |
Jesse Aizenstat |
12-08-2008 |