AltWeeklies Wire
Are We Really the Smartest Creatures on Earth?new

More than 40 years ago, my then-wife Nigey Lennon and I were on our way home to Echo Park when, suddenly, she said to stop.
Random Lengths News |
Lionel Rolfe |
11-18-2014 |
Tags: recreation
Buddy systemnew

The march toward privatization continues, both in the form of smaller, little-heralded achievements and big takeovers. Even parks may soon be on the table.
Colorado Springs Independent |
J. Adrian Stanley |
04-02-2012 |
Policy Issues
In Case This is the Year You Finally Put Those Binoculars to Use

When fall hits, Nature trades in her summer decor for rich, autumnal color.
San Antonio Current |
Brandon R. Reynolds |
09-29-2011 |
Idaho's Rafting Industry Has Taken a Hit, but it's Still Afloatnew
While Boise-based companies Maravia and Aire both have strong international reputations, what happens when the economy falters and a new $4,000 raft just isn't in the budget?
Boise Weekly |
Deanna Darr |
08-26-2009 |
New Mexico Disc Golf Course Offers Rare Vertical Challengenew

Ski slopes are no joke when it comes to objects capable of rolling and gliding a long distance.
Colorado Springs Independent |
Matthew Schniper |
08-20-2009 |
Environmentalists and Landowners Argue Over Who Owns New York's Riversnew
The public's right to navigate the more than 50,000 miles of rivers and streams and more than 7500 ponds, lakes and reservoirs in New York state is hidden deep within a thicket of legalese, in the form of two state court opinions.
Seven Days |
Kirk Kardashian |
07-31-2009 |
Outdoor Clothing Companies Go Greennew

New materials are giving outdoor gear a green hue as companies look to bamboo and recycling clothing to meet consumer demand for environmentally friendly options.
Boise Weekly |
Deanna Darr |
07-15-2009 |
Bowfishing: Catching Carp With a Bow and Arrownew
As partisan bickering over Minnesota's budget bubbled over in the Legislature this season, a little-known bill sailed through without controversy. It amended laws crafted during WWII and opened up pretty much all lakes and rivers to nighttime bowfishing.
City Pages (Twin Cities) |
Bradley Campbell |
07-01-2009 |
A Week's Worth of Orlando Queer in 24 Hoursnew
You don't have to drop your Tinker Bell wad in the dark corners of Cinderella's castle in order to appreciate Orlando's Big Gay Fantastic. Orlando is gay all the time.
Orlando Weekly |
Billy Manes |
06-04-2009 |
Tags: Orlando, recreation
Indigenous Sport to the Boise Bike Scene: Velocachenew
Essentially, velocache is an excuse to ride a bike, be with friends, find hidden treasure and, often drink a beer or two while you're at it. These are the ingredients for what velocache creators Brook Slee and Barton Kline thought would make a great new sport for the Boise community.
Boise Weekly |
Mathias Morache |
04-22-2009 |
Budget Cuts Could Spell Doom for Colorado Springs Community Centersnew
The department known as Parks and Rec covers much of the fabric of life in Colorado Springs. People agree that the programs and facilities are popular and well-used. Yet the city's recreation services manager say the programs could vanish and the facilities could close.
Colorado Springs Independent |
Deb Acord and Ralph Routon |
01-27-2009 |
Bowfishers Take Aim at Asian Carpnew

Bowfishing, an unusual and aggressive form of angling, has become popular with archers from across rural Missouri. For the most part, the sportsmen's primary target is Asian carp, an invasive, plankton-feeding fish that has exploded in population over the past decade and become the scourge of Midwestern rivers.
Riverfront Times |
Keegan Hamilton |
09-19-2008 |
Toy Soldiers Play War Games with Almost-Real Assault Weaponsnew

Airsoft aficionados realize that key aspects that attract them to the sport -- weapons that look, feel, and even shoot like genuine combat arms and military role-play that peaceniks might say glorifies violence -- frighten a big segment of the general population.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach |
Amy Guthrie |
09-16-2008 |
What It Means to Be an Urban Foragernew

Urban foraging is the practice of searching for edible plants, vegetables, and fruit that are growing on private and public lands. It's really big in Portland, Oregon, and similar movements have cropped up in other U.S. cities such as Seattle, Santa Fe, and Los Angeles.
The Memphis Flyer |
Sarah Christine Bolton |
09-05-2008 |
Pro Poker Hurts: It's Not All Glitz and Glory at the Tablenew
Harold Persaud is one of dozens of men -- and a few women -- who go to the legal poker rooms across South Florida every day, hoping to grind out the money to pay the bills. They go to places such as Pompano Park, Mardi Gras, and Miccosukee Resort & Gaming, to card rooms full of businessmen who cut out of the office early, young men wearing hooded sweatshirts and listening to iPods, foul-smelling degenerate addicts, and more retirees than a Sunday buffet.
Miami New Times |
Michael J. Mooney |
08-11-2008 |