AltWeeklies Wire

Texas Could Soon Have 12 New Coal-Fired Power Plants. What Gives?new

The Texas coal rush threatens to throw a monkey wrench into the nation's long-delayed efforts to stem global warming. If all 12 plants are built, they would add upwards of 80 million tons of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere every year.
The Texas Observer  |  Forrest Wilder  |  11-18-2009  |  Environment

Enviros Urge Michigan to Stop New Coal Plantsnew

A coalition of citizens and environmental groups urged Gov. Jennifer Granholm at a press conference this morning to "Stop the Coal Rush" and place a moratorium on the construction of new coal-fired power plants.
City Pulse  |  Angela Vasquez-Giroux  |  01-07-2009  |  Environment

Power Plant Opponents in New Mexico Say it's Time to Get Over Coalnew

Proponents of the Desert Rock power plant say it will create 1,000 construction jobs and then approximately 200 permanent jobs once it's up and running. But the region already has three coal-fired power plants which are considered among the dirtiest plants in the country.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Laura Paskus  |  12-18-2008  |  Environment

Welcome to Nukesville, Floridanew

Who gets to pay for Progress Energy's new nuclear power plant? You do.
Creative Loafing (Tampa)  |  Alex Pickett  |  12-16-2008  |  Environment

Enviros Brace for Bush's Last Actsnew

The Bush administration is pushing a number of rule changes to take effect before Inauguration Day: easing restrictions on power plants, allowing factory farms to skirt the Clean Water Act and weakening toxic emissions standards for oil refineries, among other things.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Laura Paskus  |  11-20-2008  |  Environment

Power Co. Claims Green Future, but Wants New Coal Plantnew

Coal-fired power plants are the top culprits among greenhouse gas emitters. It's estimated that Santee Cooper's proposed plant would spew 8.7 million tons of carbon dioxide and 138 pounds of mercury into the air each year.
Charleston City Paper  |  Stratton Lawrence  |  10-31-2007  |  Environment

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