AltWeeklies Wire

Can a Nice-Guy Republican Convince Tennessee's Right-Wingers to Vote for Him?new

To a casual observer, it would appear that gubernatorial candidate Bill Haslam is a near-ideal politician for the general election season. But with the general election still nearly a year off, the state primary on Aug. 5, 2010, is what matters to the campaign now, or at least it should.
Metro Pulse  |  Charles Maldonado  |  11-20-2009  |  Politics

Even as Theater, Health Care Town Halls are Turning into a Major Painnew

Only a few days ago, Rep. Bart Gordon's town hall would have set off a frenzy of national chatter. Now, it's all too predictable -- merely yet another humiliation of a member of Congress by the far right.
Nashville Scene  |  Jeff Woods  |  08-28-2009  |  Politics

Tennessee Governor Plays the Martyr Instead of Fighting the Good Fightnew

By equivocating on Tennessee's guns-in-bars bill when his opposition would have made a difference, Gov. Phil Bredesen missed his opportunity to stop its passage.
Nashville Scene  |  Jeff Woods  |  06-05-2009  |  Politics

Tennessee's Religious Right Draws a Bead on Doctor-Patient Confidentiality for Teensnew

Conservative Christians have found a new cause celebre in the state legislature: Denying teens the right to doctor-patient confidentiality.
Nashville Scene  |  Jeff Woods  |  05-22-2009  |  Civil Liberties

Nine Tennessee Innovations Are Sowing Seeds for the Futurenew

Today, Middle Tennessee has a surprising number of unheralded innovators—forward-thinkers who are tweaking, leading and finessing the competition in their respective fields. With little fanfare, they have made the area home to several firsts on many fronts: health care, energy conservation, medicine, education, technology, science.
Nashville Scene  |  Tracy Moore  |  05-01-2009  |  Science

Despite a Spate of Murders, the Tennessee Legislature Rushes to Liberalize Gun Lawsnew

Less than 24 hours after an Alabama killing spree, Tennessee's House Judiciary Committee passed a bill allowing handgun permit holders to ride around with loaded rifles and shotguns in their vehicles.
Nashville Scene  |  Jeff Woods  |  03-20-2009  |  Policy Issues

Tennessee Republicans Think $2.13 an Hour Is Adequate Paynew

State House Democrats are attacking Republicans for opposing an increase in the minimum wage for hardworking waitresses.
Nashville Scene  |  Jeff Woods  |  03-13-2009  |  Economy

Tennessee Gov. Considers Turning His Back on the Unemployednew

Tennessee Governor Phil Bredesen says he may turn down millions of dollars in federal stimulus money rather than expand unemployment benefits in ways that many other states did long ago.
Nashville Scene  |  Jeff Woods  |  03-05-2009  |  Economy

Charred Bodies Leave Lingering Questions About an Executionnew

In short: Nearly every piece of physical evidence against Steve Henley was tainted. But if police botched their end of the case, Henley's tale was evaporating as well.
Nashville Scene  |  Brantley Hargrove  |  03-05-2009  |  Crime & Justice

Rep. Eric Swafford's Bid to Make Tennessee a Laughingstocknew

Swafford has proudly become America's first state legislator to join the wacky legal action challenging Barack Obama's status as a U.S. citizen, an issue that's become an obsession of the far-right fringe.
Nashville Scene  |  Jeff Woods  |  02-20-2009  |  Politics

As Tennessee Gov. Assays the "State of the State," He and Others Look to Move Upnew

As "State of the State" messages go, the one delivered Monday night by Tennessee Governor Phil Bredesen, who was awaiting congressional action on stimulus funds for the states, was best described as a holding action.
The Memphis Flyer  |  Jackson Baker  |  02-13-2009  |  Politics

Who's Running the Tennessee House Now?new

In a surprise vote that turned the legislature into a pit of snapping vipers, the Republican Kent Williams was elected House speaker in a clandestine deal with the Democrats. What happens next is a question that now occupies the Capitol.
Nashville Scene  |  Jeff Woods  |  01-23-2009  |  Politics

Shades of Gray: Confusion Reigns in the Wake of Tennessee Coal-Ash Spillnew

TVA's Dec. 22 coal-ash spill attracted an array of scientists, attorneys, politicians, and provocateurs to Kingston, Tenn., including environmental advocate Erin Brockovich who hosted a town hall meeting.
The Memphis Flyer  |  Chris Davis  |  01-23-2009  |  Disasters

Evangelicals Demand Subservience from Tennessee's New GOP Majoritynew

Evangelicals would like to clear up any confusion over who's running the state legislature. The new Republican majority won't start meeting until January, but already the party's bug-eyed base is demanding top billing for its pet causes and warning unbelievers to watch their backs.
Nashville Scene  |  Jeff Woods  |  12-01-2008  |  Politics

The Republicans Take Control of the Tennessee Capitolnew

The new GOP majority is getting off to what might charitably be described as a stumbling start. In their big moment in history, they've been forced to dispute accusations that they rode to victory not on the power of their ideas, but on a wave of racism that the party helped whip up. Talk about a buzz killer.
Nashville Scene  |  Jeff Woods  |  11-21-2008  |  Politics

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