AltWeeklies Wire
Boston's Rat Population Explodes Amongst Economic Collapsenew

With more and more foreclosed and abandoned properties making it harder for planners and exterminators to combat pestilence, anecdotal and empirical evidence suggests that Boston's rodent problem is only getting worse.
Boston Phoenix |
Chris Faraone |
11-16-2009 |
Animal Issues
Bookstores Fight Back With Instant Paperbacksnew
Battered booksellers have a secret weapon that they hope will continue to lure customers into their stores. Would you believe it's a machine that can print up a fresh new paperback copy from a menu of 3.6 million books?
Boston Phoenix |
Ethan Gilsdorf |
09-24-2009 |
The Gates Case Isn't About Racenew
The weeks-long hubbub over the arrest of Harvard professor Henry Louis "Skip" Gates Jr. by the Cambridge Police Department has centered on race, understandably. But the racial façade of the story has obscured two other bottom-line truths that should govern the "Gates-gate" conversation.
Boston Phoenix |
Harvey Silverglate |
08-06-2009 |
Civil Liberties
Meet the Awesome Foundation for Arts and Sciencesnew
What if Eli and Edythe Broad, two seminal financial backers of MIT and Harvard, had gone batshit crazy back in the early '00s and decided to go in a different direction with their philanthropy?
Boston Phoenix |
Ian Sands |
07-23-2009 |
Rethinking Liberal Arts in the Digital Agenew
They didn't teach genderfuck, iteration, or micropolitics when I was in college. But times have changed. And nowadays, they maybe should consider it. At least so says Tim Carmody, who, along with his co-proprietors of the blog Snarkmarket and a coterie of other Web-based deep thinkers, has put together a book called The New Liberal Arts.
Boston Phoenix |
Mike Miliard |
07-23-2009 |
Harvard Law Celebrates 25 Years Out of the Closetnew
From its early struggle for recognition to its current membership of more than 4800 alumni, the Harvard Gay & Lesbian Caucus has come a long way.
Boston Phoenix |
Harvey Silverglate |
10-02-2008 |
Are US Universities Selling Out to Oil Nations?new

The well-born-and-bred children of well-heeled oil billionaires no longer have to wander far from the royal palace to do some learning -- they can get an American degree right at home and big-name schools open campuses by the Persian Gulf.
Boston Phoenix |
Harvey Silverglate |
09-25-2008 |
How One Former TV Reporter Brought His Sky Gospel to the Peoplenew

Former TV-news reporter Jack Borden found transcendental peace in the cloudy sky, and he's determined to spread his stratospheric gospel to everyone -- even Jessica Simpson.
Boston Phoenix |
James Parker |
08-20-2008 |
Online Political Commentator Led Double Lifenew
The political elite of San Francisco turned out to extol Eric Allen Bass, creator of a local political commentary Web site called None of them really knew Bass, who had embezzled nearly $60,000 from Bank of America, at all.
Tags: HIV/AIDS, Arlington National Cemetery, City Attorney Dennis Herrera, District Attorney Kamala Harris, Harvard University, Herbert Bass Sr., Herbert Harry Bass Jr., Linda Bass, San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, Supervisors Chris Daly and Sean Elsbern, the House Democratic leader, U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Vice Mayor for Homelessness Angela Alioto