AltWeeklies Wire

Loose Lips: Washington, D.C.'s Dwindling Coffers and DCision 2010new

How deep does the pain go? For the current budget year, which ends Sept. 30, Chief Financial Officer Natwar M. Gandhi is already projecting a $200 million-plus deficit... or enough to run the Department of Mental Health.
Washington City Paper  |  Mike DeBonis  |  02-25-2010  |  Commentary

Proposals Target the Gridlock Era in Sacramentonew

A gaggle of good-government activists aims to turn California’s ongoing budget crisis into an opportunity for reform in 2010. Fat-cat corporations, political gadflies, grassroots campaigners and the state’s richest foundations are all in the mix.
Monterey County Weekly  |  Robin Urevich  |  12-31-2009  |  Politics

Ill-Behaved Former Mayor Attempts Comeback in Miaminew

Never one to let humiliation stand between him and elective office, Xavier Suarez managed to win enough votes this past August to end up in a runoff contest for a seat on the Miami-Dade County Commission. His 1998 election as mayor was overturned because of voter fraud.
Miami New Times  |  Francisco Alvarado  |  10-26-2004  |  Politics

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