AltWeeklies Wire
Family Ties: Why One Non-Biological Parent Wants to Give Up Adoptionnew

My attorney told me that if I wanted to protect myself and my kids, I should adopt them. I wasn't entirely clear why. Did I need to adopt them because we don't share DNA? If a straight couple conceived a child using a sperm donor, would the man have to adopt the child to be considered its father?
Seven Days |
Cathy Resmer |
12-09-2009 |
A Mother Finally Got the Help She Needed for Her Troubled Son -- By Having Him Arrestednew

If you have a seriously mentally ill kid, and you can't afford treatment, you can have your kid hauled before a judge. And that judge has the power to get services for your kid -- as long as you're willing to give up custody of your child to the state of Arizona.
Phoenix New Times |
Amy Silverman |
10-13-2009 |
Children & Families
Boy Killer Mitchell Johnson Speaksnew
On March 24, 1998, the 13-year-old Johnson helped murder four of his classmates and a teacher. Now, his account is public.
Arkansas Times |
David Koon |
12-05-2008 |
Crime & Justice
Vermont's Commitment to Low-Income Kids is Being Testednew
Vermont can reduce violence to children. But the way to do so won't win any sexy headlines. The state can make kids safer from abuse by making them less poor.
Seven Days |
Judith Levine |
12-03-2008 |
Children & Families
Damien Harris Examines Stolen Innocence in 'Gardens of the Night'

Writer/director Damian Harris spent ten years researching this delicately handled study of two children's life-trajectory through prostitution after being kidnapped by a couple of molesters/pimps.
City Pulse |
Cole Smithey |
11-12-2008 |
Donor Babies Search for Their Anonymous Fathersnew
All grown up, some children of sperm donors are trying to break through the secrecy that keeps them from knowing their family history.
Houston Press |
Craig Malisow |
11-11-2008 |
Children & Families
Problem Child or Problem Parent?new
Paying kids to do chores? Ludicrous.
Creative Loafing (Charlotte) |
Nsenga Burton |
10-16-2008 |
'Take Me Home' Takes a Clear Look at America's Foster Care Crisisnew
Jill Duerr Berrick, a faculty member at UC Berkeley's School of Social Welfare, assesses the shortcomings of child welfare and systematically sets an agenda for bettering the lives of the half-million children who live as wards of the state in Take Me Home: Protecting America's Vulnerable Children and Families.
Pasadena Weekly |
Daniel Heimpel |
09-29-2008 |
What's in a Name: Leave the Children Out of Itnew
The way that we treat children in our society is reflected in "big" things like school systems and "little" things like names. Like children themselves, names really should be off-limits, and if we cannot wrap our small minds around that, then we have a big problem.
Creative Loafing (Charlotte) |
Nsenga Burton |
09-25-2008 |
Midwived Texans Cast into Citizenship 'Black Hole'new

A trio of recently filed federal lawsuits allege that the State Department is blacklisting kids born the ol'-fashioned way.
San Antonio Current |
Greg Harman |
09-17-2008 |
Children & Families
Why Does Minnesota Have the Nation's Highest Autism Rate?new
There are no good answers for why autism rates are rising in Minnesota. One camp believes it is due primarily to over-vaccination of infants and previous exposure to Thimerosal, a type of antiseptic containing mercury that was removed from regular childhood vaccines in 2001. Another camp points to increased awareness about the disease.
City Pages (Twin Cities) |
Bradley Campbell |
08-20-2008 |
Is Vermont's Anti-Sex-Offender Hysteria Really Helping Kids?new
Pretty soon, no penalty of a sex offender is considered cruel and unusual enough. When the Supreme Court ruled that capital punishment for the rape of a child is unconstitutional, both presidential candidates expressed disappointment in the decision.
Seven Days |
Judith Levine |
08-15-2008 |
Crime & Justice
Will WIC For Foodnew

Honestly, I've never thought of myself as someone who would need help feeding my family. Ann-Elise and I are both college graduates. We own our house. We have good credit. We make more money now than we ever have. But none of that changes the fact that we're trying to feed, clothe and house a family of four on less than $60,000 a year -- something that's getting harder and harder to do.
Seven Days |
Cathy Resmer |
08-15-2008 |
Children & Families
Children of the Undocumented Find Themselves in the Cracks of Int'l Lawnew
Mention the word "immigration" and you feel a tremor as the ideological split creates a chasm, widened by raw emotions. But there are those who end up at the bottom of that chasm through no fault of their own. They are children, United States citizens, who live with the very real possibility of being separated from their parents who are here illegally.
Boise Weekly |
Deanna Darr |
08-01-2008 |
Battered Woman Becomes American Refugee in Amsterdamnew

A wanted fugitive and kidnapper in the United States, Holly Collins was granted refugee status in the Netherlands in 1997. She fled the US to keep her husband -- who beat her -- from taking custody of their kids.
City Pages (Twin Cities) |
Beth Walton |
07-31-2008 |
Children & Families