AltWeeklies Wire

Connecting the Dotsnew

With communication technologies exploding exponentially, can Braille -- invented in 1829 and largely unchanged since -- still be relevant?
Boston Phoenix  |  Mike Miliard  |  02-03-2005  |  Business & Labor

Execution of Underworld Family Member Goes Unsolvednew

Phil Corbin took pride in his link to Kansas City’s notorious Cammisano mobsters. Maybe that’s why he’s dead.
The Pitch  |  Kendrick Blackwood  |  01-11-2005  |  Crime & Justice

Merry Christmas, Mr. Rumsfeldnew

The call for Donald Rumsfeld's ouster has become nearly universal. But will the defense secretary's critics cop to being just as guilty as he is for bollixing up Iraq?
Boston Phoenix  |  Jason Vest  |  12-23-2004  |  War

A Hate Supremenew

If Chief Justice William Rehnquist retires, the bios that come should not gloss over his ardent and active support of racial segregation in the years before he joined the Supreme Court, when he was a private lawyer in Phoenix, Ariz.
Boston Phoenix  |  David Bernstein  |  12-01-2004  |  Race & Class

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