AltWeeklies Wire
Fighting Wind, Stillnew

Roger Whitten, a Palouse resident, is still fighting wind power in his back yard, despite construction plans and an agreement with the region’s largest utility company.
The Inlander |
Heidi Groover |
08-19-2011 |
New Mexico's Youth May be its Best Chance for Transforming its Economy -- and Futurenew
Many on the local frontlines of the green-jobs movement believe the chasm between rhetoric and reality is growing. They say the state's best hope for transformation -- environmental and economic -- may lie with its youth.
Santa Fe Reporter |
Laura Paskus |
10-01-2009 |
New England Plays Catch-Up in the Green Energy Racenew
New England may be used to being the birthplace of revolutions, but in the case of wind power, that ship has sailed. States out West are far outproducing us, and will likely continue to. That said, we still could be a player in the nascent wind industry; we've just got some catching up to do.
Boston Phoenix |
Mike Miliard |
08-19-2009 |
Why Wind Power Blowsnew
Those who want to run straight for the first ridgetop and put up a turbine might want to slow down a second. In addition to its distinct advantages, wind power has real drawbacks that must be addressed before it is hailed as our global-warming savior.
Boston Phoenix |
Deirdre Fulton |
08-19-2009 |
Recession and Climate Politics Combine to Shake Up the Pro-Nuclear Narrativenew
This is despite the high-profile support of old-school techno-fix enviros and shocking pro-nukers, and despite industry hopefuls who thought the atomic option was poised to become the winner of the low-carbon sweepstakes, an idea dissed by most climate campaigners.
NOW Magazine |
Alice Klein |
07-13-2009 |
'Fuel': One Suggestion for Our Petroleum Addictionnew
Tickell is preaching to the converted, who already fill their vintage Benzes with French-fry grease from Dr. Dan, Propel, or other local vendors. But they already know the gospel, and already have DVDs of the better told, better argued Who Killed the Electric Car? and An Inconvenient Truth at home.
Seattle Weekly |
Brian Miller |
11-25-2008 |
Global Warming in a Time of Economic Meltdownnew

The credit crisis threatens progress on the energy/global warming front, since the needed major research and development on renewable energies, as well as the needed new infrastructure, require credit which has become very scarce. But the world cannot afford a time out.
Santa Barbara Independent |
Walter Kohn, Alan Heeger and Herbert Kroemer |
10-27-2008 |
How Wild Mustard Could Be Used to Power Farms and Transitnew
In California's wine country, early spring paints the vineyards and fields with the chrome yellow of wild mustard. Its spicy leaves perk up a salad and infuse vinegar with a kick -- and oil from its seeds may soon power the buses of Monterey-Salinas Transit (MST).
East Bay Express |
Susan Kuchinskas |
09-10-2008 |
Fighting for Green Technologies ... and Some Venture Capital, Pleasenew
The flow of capital toward alternative energy and other green technologies has risen from a trickle to a torrent which last year equaled tens of billions of dollars. Much of that money comes off one street in Silicon Valley, and the Bay Area has already become a green tech hub. But the Southland is also a potential center of the emerging industry. We looked into a few of the mad scientists hoping to do well, do good, and do the hustle.
Los Angeles CityBeat |
Nathaniel Page |
07-07-2008 |
Baseball's Green Teamsnew

The St. Louis Cardnials scramble to join the ranks of the environmentally conscious.
Riverfront Times |
Chad Garrison |
03-28-2008 |
San Antonio's Solar Slopenew
Fiascos abound as the Public Utility Commission wrestles with solar terms.
San Antonio Current |
Greg Harman |
01-23-2008 |
Three Feet Higher and Risingnew
Global warming comes to Maryland.
Baltimore City Paper |
Ralph Brave |
07-12-2006 |
Policy Issues
Going Nuclearnew

Why should Houston want a nuclear power plant?
Houston Press |
Josh Harkinson |
03-13-2006 |
I Sing the Scooter Electric

A former gas guzzler ponders hurricanes, climate change and the Car of the Future, before settling on an electric scooter.
Santa Fe Reporter |
Jennifer Lowe |
09-28-2005 |