AltWeeklies Wire
The Road To 2012: The New New Hampshirenew

Mitt Romney and the rest of the GOP field are about to find a whole new set of players standing between them and first-in-the-nation primary victory.
Boston Phoenix |
David S. Bernstein |
01-03-2011 |
Handicapping the 2012 GOP Race in Iowanew
While the 2012 caucuses are but a glimmer on the horizon for most Iowans, GOP party regulars are well into the process of sorting through potential candidates. Here's a list of Top 10 possible contenders as of today for the Republican presidential caucuses.
GOP Strategy: Divide and Be Conquerednew
The partisans will howl in protest, but while certainly not the only culprit, the relentless stream of invective from the right side of the dial has undeniably been a major contributor to the GOP's demise. It's no coincidence that the Republican eclipse began just when conservative talk radio found its audience.
Boston Phoenix |
Steven Stark |
11-13-2008 |
Huckabee Takes the Smart TV Routenew
While predictable, his joining Fox News as an expert inside commentator doesn't trivialize him. It is less than full immersion in a media career and partly a continuation of a political career. It's one of those cross-pollinated abominations of modern talking-head punditry. It also means he can't fail.
Arkansas Times |
John Brummett |
06-19-2008 |
Huckabee's Obama Assassination Bad Libnew
"That was Barack Obama. He just tripped off a chair. He's getting ready to speak and somebody aimed a gun at him, and he dove for the floor," said Huck. He apologized within hours, but primarily for giving unintentional offense. He offered no insight about the mental predisposition that would suggest humor in an assassination attempt.
Arkansas Times |
Max Brantley |
05-22-2008 |
Citizen Hucknew
What did Mike Huckabee accomplish, presuming he's not to be John McCain's running mate? For starters, the race made him far better known nationally, both for good and ill.
Arkansas Times |
Max Brantley |
03-13-2008 |
What Would a McCain Win Mean for Texas Republicans?new
Probably the longest-lasting impact of the 2008 primaries on the Texas Republican Party will be that our party will become even more conservative, if that's possible.
The Texas Observer |
Royal Masset |
02-26-2008 |
Enter the Fish Party?new
Huckabee diehards and contemporaneous others with high quotients of unrequited Christian zeal are threatening to start a third political party, having nigh given up on the Donkey and Elephant as incorrigibly godless. Maybe it'll be the Glory Hallelujah Party, its totem the Jesus Fish.
Arkansas Times |
Bob Lancaster |
02-14-2008 |
God's -- and Huckabee's -- Standardsnew
Mike Huckabee said last week he favors amending the U.S. Constitution to bring it in line with "God's standards." That's a big job that would entail adoption of a number of amendments, and since the candidate didn't specify, I thought I'd help him out by recommending a few.
Arkansas Times |
Bob Lancaster |
01-24-2008 |
Did Mike Huckabee Violate Arkansas Ethics Rules With Latest Filing?new
Speaking fees and a salary of $40,000 from a communications business he created to manage his book sales were not disclosed on former Gov. Mike Huckabee's statement of financial interest filed February 2007 with the Secretary of State.
Arkansas Times |
Leslie Newell Peacock |
01-24-2008 |
Jesus Endorses Mike Huckabeenew

You thought Chuck Norris was a big deal? Now Mike Huckabee has secured an endorsement from Jesus himself! Check it out.
City Pages (Twin Cities) |
Kevin Hoffman |
01-23-2008 |
Huckabee Not A Fave of Ohio GOPnew
Despite winning the Iowa caucuses and leading in national polls, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee is getting little respect from the leadership of the Ohio GOP.
The Other Paper |
Dan Williamson |
01-11-2008 |
Mike Huckabee's Smarmy Populismnew
In the season of extreme political makeovers, Huckabee stands out only for the frequency and cleverness of his mutations.
Arkansas Times |
Ernest Dumas |
01-10-2008 |
President Huckabeenew
Speak these two words in the headline aloud ... you might need the practice.
Arkansas Times |
Max Brantley |
01-10-2008 |
A Populist Charges Across the Iowa Prairienew
Propelled by church voters, Mike Huckabee zooms to the top in Iowa.
Arkansas Times |
John Williams |
01-10-2008 |