AltWeeklies Wire

Fight For the Futurenew

Anti-illegal immigrant activists go to work in America's oldest immigration entry point.
New York Press  |  Brett Liebendorfer  |  07-06-2006  |  Immigration

This Ain't No Picnic: Minutemen on Patrolnew

As one night with the Texas Minutemen proves, the sinister legions of "The Drug Cartel" have little to fear from this latest incarnation of border hysteria. As for the rest of us...
Austin Chronicle  |  Diana Welch  |  10-27-2005  |  Immigration

At the Readynew

When the president of a Texas Minuteman group resigned because he couldn't stand the racist tendencies of other members in his chapter, it left many Houston residents debating the purpose of the volunteer border patrollers, and what good they might be doing.
Houston Press  |  Keith Plocek  |  08-22-2005  |  Immigration

Just a Minute, Mennew

As immigration opponents descend on Southern Arizona for the Minuteman Project, local politicians squabble.
Tucson Weekly  |  Tim Vanderpool  |  03-31-2005  |  Immigration

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