AltWeeklies Wire

Polygamy and Menew

Seven months have passed since the polygamist raid in Eldorado, but for one mainstream Mormon, the effects linger.
Dallas Observer  |  Jesse Hyde  |  11-03-2008  |  Religion

Stephen Singular on Mormon Polygamist Warren Jeffsnew

His current book details the rise of Warren Jeffs, the leader of the FLDS, who was convicted on two counts of being an accomplice to rape for forcing a 14-year-old girl to marry her 19-year-old cousin.
Colorado Springs Independent  |  Jill Thomas  |  07-29-2008  |  Nonfiction

What Future Awaits Polygamy's Children?new

As FLDS children in Texas begin returning to their parents, ex-sect member Kathleen Mackert asks what future awaits polygamy's children.
Salt Lake City Weekly  |  Stephen Dark  |  06-05-2008  |  Culture

In the Yearning for Zion Case, Fear & Prejudice is Trumping Rule of Lawnew

Texas' argument all along has essentially been that because YFZ's residents have not been forthcoming about their familial relationships and identities, this case is really, really hard, and the court needs to overlook some of the judicial safeguards that protect conventional and weird families alike who aren't doing anything illegal.
San Antonio Current  |  Elaine Wolff  |  05-28-2008  |  Crime & Justice

Utah's Legislature Doesn't Have Time for Polygamistsnew

Utah has been blind and mute regarding polygamy since the LDS Church formally forbade the practice in favor of statehood in the 1890s, because despite what evils may lurk in the hearts of the polygamist collective, the majority of Utahans remain sympathetic to polygamists.
Salt Lake City Weekly  |  John Saltas  |  04-17-2008  |  Religion

It Practices What They Preachnew

Cast into the spotlight by fugitive polygamist Prophet Warren Jeffs, the mainstream Mormon Church is trying to distance itself from its infamous cousin.
Phoenix New Times  |  John Dougherty  |  05-30-2006  |  Religion

FBI Raids Polygamistsnew

Federal agents descend on fugitive polygamist prophet Warren Jeffs' followers with 66 subpoenas -- five were served.
Phoenix New Times  |  John Dougherty  |  01-31-2006  |  Religion

Plundering the Faithfulnew

Arizona polygamists continue to pipe big money to fugitive prophet Warren Jeffs, even as their towns face financial ruin.
Phoenix New Times  |  John Dougherty  |  01-04-2006  |  Religion

Forbidden Fruitnew

Inbreeding among polygamists along the Arizona-Utah border is producing a caste of severely retarded and deformed children.
Phoenix New Times  |  John Dougherty  |  01-04-2006  |  Science

Receiver to Look Into Controversial School Board's Financesnew

Fundamentalist Mormons have lost control of the Colorado City Unified School District in Arizona and Utah.
Phoenix New Times  |  John Dougherty  |  12-13-2005  |  Education

Wanted: Armed and Dangerousnew

As the FBI chases polygamist Prophet Warren Jeffs, work continues 24/7 on his religion's foreboding new Texas capital.
Phoenix New Times  |  John Dougherty  |  11-16-2005  |  Religion

Members of Polygamous Sect Barricade Their Homesnew

The head of a breakaway Mormon sect is in hiding, and his followers on the Arizona-Utah border appear to be steeling themselves against law enforcement agencies.
Phoenix New Times  |  John Dougherty  |  09-27-2005  |  Religion

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