AltWeeklies Wire

A Watered-Down Beer Billnew

Some activists contend that a new California law banning caffeinated beer and malt liquor didn't go far enough.
East Bay Express  |  Ellen Cushing  |  08-24-2011  |  Food+Drink

How Cheap, Mass-Produced Food Is Killing Our Environment, Our Economy — and Usnew

The food we eat today is making us fat. It's making us sick. And the vast, government-subsidized system of agribusiness and mechanized corporate food production is inefficient and unsustainable, slowly ruining our environment, our economy, and our culture.
Boston Phoenix  |  Mike Miliard  |  06-24-2009  |  Science

No Place to Get Help for Condom Failurenew

Ohio is among the reddest of red states where women's health issues are concerned, a reporter discovered when she made the round of emergency rooms seeking emergency contraception.
Cleveland Scene  |  Rebecca Meiser  |  07-19-2005  |  Science

Drugs to Enhance Sex Can Damage Health

It's worrisome that young men are using Viagra for recreational purposes when its long-term effects are unknown.
Boulder Weekly  |  Paul Joannides  |  07-15-2005  |  Advice

Two Senators Take Stand on 'Morning After' Pillnew

Hillary Clinton and Barbara Mikulski can stop a full vote on President Bush's nominee to head the FDA, whom they oppose because of his role in delaying a ruling on whether emergency contraception can be sold over the counter.
The Village Voice  |  Kristen Lombardi  |  07-13-2005  |  Politics

Ohio Bill Would Outlaw Alcohol Inhalersnew

Alcohol With Out Liquid (AWOL) machines convert liquor into a vaporized inhalable mist, promising a buzz without all the calories. Is this the alcoholic version of crack?
Cleveland Scene  |  Rebecca Meiser  |  06-08-2005  |  Politics

Pacemaker Company Targets Mood Disordersnew

Cyberonics, which has implanted its pacemaker in thousands of epileptics, wants to expand to the depression market. Still needed: an accounting of those who died or were injured after receiving its implant.
Houston Press  |  Craig Malisow  |  04-11-2005  |  Science

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