AltWeeklies Wire
After the Crash, There's Little Recourse for Those Wronged by WaMunew
The problem for plaintiffs in suits against WaMu is who to go after now. Rob Williamson, an attorney who filed a class-action suit against WaMu over what he claims were hidden and excessive fees, puts it this way: "The defendant no longer exists."
Seattle Weekly |
Nina Shapiro |
12-02-2008 |
Seattle's Foreclosure Vulturesnew
A crashing housing market is just another profit opportunity for some scavengers.
Seattle Weekly |
Nina Shapiro |
11-17-2008 |
From Bank Crisis to Food Crisisnew
According to former agricultural banker Ben Gisin, whose magazine Touch the Soil is chronicling the local foods movement across the nation, the housing-cum-banking crisis foreshadows and ever deeper, looming global catastrophe: massive food shortages.
Boise Weekly |
Tim Andreae |
11-14-2008 |
Dirty Secrets of the Real Estate Collapsenew

There's lots of blame going around for this economic crisis. How we got here was simple: too much credit and too much debt for too many years. But why are hard-working people, many Hispanic, losing their houses?
Reno News & Review |
Madeline Zook |
11-07-2008 |
Housing & Development
Advocates Worry About Landlord Foreclosures' Impact on Tenantsnew
The Pennsylvania statute governing tenants' rights during landlord foreclosure or a tax sale is a tricky little block of legalese.
Pittsburgh City Paper |
Adam Fleming |
10-28-2008 |
Housing & Development
The American Dream's $700 Billion Price Tagnew

The most important lesson of the country's recent financial turmoil has gone untaught: The United States might be better off financially, economically, and socially if it were more like San Francisco and were a nation of renters.
The Road Not Taken by Congress During the Economic Crisisnew
The so-called stock-injection plan would have given taxpayers ownership of preferred stock in the banks themselves. Not only would the banks have gotten an infusion of cash, but the taxpayers would've received something in exchange other than these "toxic" mortgage assets we've been hearing about.
San Diego CityBeat |
Editorial |
10-08-2008 |
Wall Street for Dummiesnew

The stock market sets the confidence level for the rest of the country. It rallies, we rally. It panics, we eat Ramen noodles. Now we discover our trusted financiers are just overly aggressive and obnoxious sales weasels.
Boston Phoenix |
Kara Baskin |
10-02-2008 |
Homeowners Are Being Unfairly Faulted for Wall Street's Greednew
Those nasty subprime borrowers, the financial class bellows, how could they have done this to us? While the catalyst for our present debacle may have been housing loans, they in no way were the cause.
East Bay Express |
Jay Youngdahl |
10-01-2008 |
Don't Let the Weasels in the Stock Market Doornew
I'm not really surprised when the managers of large corporations do something dishonest. But I'm surprised when they do dumb things against their own self-interest.
C-Ville Weekly |
Al Crabb |
10-01-2008 |
Charles R. Morris on the Madness of Bankersnew

Millions of words have been written about the ongoing financial disaster largely caused by the subprime mortgage mess. But the most concise and easiest to understand handbook on the issue is almost certainly Charles R. Morris' The Trillion Dollar Meltdown.
The Texas Observer |
Robert Bryce |
08-27-2008 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Delma Mercado Steals from the Poor to Pay Her Mortgagenew
Like so many other Americans these days, Delma Mercado let her mortgage get the best of her. Unlike most other estados-unidenses, she dreamed up a seemingly rock-solid solution to her financial woes. One problem: It involved stealing rent from the poorest tenants in Hialeah, Fla.
Miami New Times |
Tim Elfrink |
08-25-2008 |
Have Foreclosures Pacified Minneapolis' Most Dangerous 'Hoods?new
Murder rates are down and sketchy spots are seeing crime overall dip. Could it be because there are simply fewer people to commit crime or be victimized by it?
City Pages (Twin Cities) |
Bradley Campbell |
08-06-2008 |
Crime & Justice
Rampant Foreclosures Have Torn the Very Fabric of Northeast Ohionew

In this young century, we've focused our collective attention elsewhere while market forces battered the vulnerable like a hurricane. And the subprime mortgage explosion was the economic Katrina; Northeast Ohio the Gulf Coast.
Cleveland Free Times |
Dan Harkins |
07-09-2008 |
Think the Housing Crisis Was Bad? You Ain't Seen Nothing Yetnew
While many eyes are focusing on the housing meltdown and its hugely negative effect on an economy clearly moving into recession, few are paying attention to the next bubble expected to burst: credit cards.
Los Angeles CityBeat |
Danny Schechter |
06-27-2008 |