AltWeeklies Wire
RNC Day 2: "All the laws we have today came from Judeo-Christian views"new

Religious conservatives could be key to Romney-Ryan win.
Lobbyists should pay what's owednew

Imagine heading down to the DMV and successfully renewing your driver's license even though you owe more than $47,000 in traffic fines. Wouldn't you be shocked you pulled it off?
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
William Perry |
04-05-2012 |
Policy Issues
What South Carolina's castle doctrine means for younew

In South Carolina, your home is your castle. So is your car, and so is your business. Under the state’s interpretation of the “castle doctrine,” as amended in 2006, civilians are allowed to use deadly force to defend themselves, but they have to meet certain requirements. Basically, if you are out in a neighborhood or in another public place, you are on shaky legal ground if you pull out a weapon.
Charleston City Paper |
Paul Bowers |
04-02-2012 |
Policy Issues
On Relinquishing Our Right to Be Hypocriticalnew
Outrage argues that its objective is to out hypocrisy rather than homosexuality. However, were we to give up our right to self-denial, wouldn't America cease to be a land of freedom?
Austin Chronicle |
Marjorie Baumgarten |
05-29-2009 |
Outdated Rules Threaten the Life of San Fran's All-Ages Clubsnew

The livelihood of San Franciso's best-known all-ages venues is under siege based on issues that have nothing to do with public safety, but rather on archaic views of how a nightclub should operate.
SF Weekly |
Jennifer Maerz |
05-27-2009 |
Chicago May Have Leased out Its Parking Meters for a Fraction of Their Worthnew
The Daley administration hid its process for privatizing Chicago's parking meters from the public and the City Council. Now, three months into the deal, new evidence suggests the taxpayers were hosed out of billions of dollars.
Chicago Reader |
Ben Joravsky and Mick Dumke |
05-18-2009 |
Policy Issues
The Story of Chicago's Parking Meter Lease Dealnew

How Mayor Daley and his crew hid their process from the public, ignored their own rules, railroaded the City Council, and screwed the taxpayers on the parking meter lease deal.
Chicago Reader |
Ben Joravsky and Mick Dumke |
04-10-2009 |
Policy Issues
N.C. Lawmakers Debate Using Industry-Backed Info on Broadband Accessnew
The people who live in rural Halifax and Nash counties northeast of Raleigh are among the poorest in the state. State Rep. Angela Bryant says that, with all the challenges her constituents face, among their top concerns is a lack of affordable access to the internet.
INDY Week |
Fiona Morgan |
02-05-2009 |
Policy Issues
San Francisco's Flawed System for Counting the Homelessnew
San Francisco's biennial homeless count has long been used as an indicator of how well the city is dealing with homelessness, which would all be fine and good, if it weren't for one small and inconvenient fact for everyone involved: It is a meaningless charade.
SF Weekly |
Ashley Harrell |
02-04-2009 |
Policy Issues
The Hypocrisy of the American Pro-Life Movementnew
For pro-lifers to consistently and enthusiastically vote for leaders whose foreign policies will admittedly lead to the deaths of thousands of civilians — women, children, babies — in order to achieve political objectives is something I cannot understand.
Charleston City Paper |
Jack Hunter |
01-28-2009 |
Officially and Unofficially, Dialogue on Race Moves Aheadnew

Charlottesville's City Council has committed to spending $10,000 on a community-wide "dialogue on race," and during budget hearings, it will weigh whether to spend up to $50,000 more. But the very idea of a dialogue on race seems to have started one, even before Council has spent a dime.
C-Ville Weekly |
Will Goldsmith |
01-28-2009 |
Race & Class
San Fran's Plastic Bag Ban Has Left the City with More Pollution and Costnew

It has become apparent that many of the rationales used to justify the ban -- such as its benefiting the environment and alleviating the city's litter problems -- are not playing out in the real world.
SF Weekly |
Joe Eskenazi |
01-07-2009 |
Unfair Warningnew
The Forest Service's quiet plans to close campgrounds and other recreation sites on public lands has nationwide implications.
Missoula Independent |
John S. Adams |
02-01-2007 |
Policy Issues