AltWeeklies Wire

Open Web Advocates Say Social Media Needs Reformnew

A question that's increasingly being raised is: Who should control all of the data shared through social media sites -- the user or the service?
The Georgia Straight  |  Jeffery Simpson  |  08-18-2009  |  Tech

'Secrecy' Investigates Executive Power and the Need-to-Knownew

Even as Secrecy's former operatives acknowledge the massive intelligence failures leading to 9/11, they're ready to make the case for the increased need for government subterfuge in the War on Terror: what secrecy begets, only secrecy will solve, and every time the gloves come off, the blinders will go on.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Max Goldberg  |  10-23-2008  |  Reviews

Watching Big Brothernew

Is the government spying on you? The Freedom of Information Act is one good way to find out. Here's how.
Missoula Independent  |  Fredric Alan Maxwell  |  09-21-2006  |  Civil Liberties

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