AltWeeklies Wire

Man Faces Deportation for Smoking Weed as a Teenagernew

He smoked some weed as a teenager. Now this Wisconsin father of two is facing deportation.
Isthmus  |  Judith Davidoff  |  07-05-2013  |  Features

Ann Arbor Didn't Go to Potnew

As local municipalities and states decriminalize and legalize marijuana, the city of Ann Arbor, Mich., should serve as a model of how things can go right.
Metro Times  |  Larry Gabriel  |  05-22-2013  |  Drugs

Life in Prison for Hempnew

José Peña brought some roadside weeds home from Kansas. Cops decided it was reefer, and a Texas court sentenced him to life in prison – without the evidence. It took a decade for Peña to get back some of the pieces of his life.
Austin Chronicle  |  Jordan Smith  |  03-21-2012  |  Drugs

The Grass Gapnew

People all over Chicago smoke pot—but almost everyone busted for it is black.
Chicago Reader  |  Mick Dumke and Ben Joravsky  |  07-07-2011  |  Race & Class

Berkeley is Taking Another Hit of Marijuananew

After a judge voided the 2004 election results of Measure R, the city's controversial medical pot initiative is back on the ballot as Measure JJ.
East Bay Express  |  Ling Ma  |  10-29-2008  |  Drugs

Massachusetts Lawmakers Push to Criminalize Salvianew

Is this a test-run for marijuana-law reform?
Boston Phoenix  |  James Tierney  |  04-24-2008  |  Drugs

Don't Look to Obama or Clinton for Progressive Drug Reformnew

Both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have far superior drug policy plans than Republican nominee John McCain, who claimed to not even know that many federal raids on state-approved medical marijuana patients have taken place. But neither is the reformer this nation's drug policy needs.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Daniel McQuade  |  04-22-2008  |  Drugs

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