AltWeeklies Wire
Breach of Faithnew
A nun and a priest evaluated and counseled priests accused of sex abuse for the Seattle Archdiocese -- but they also counseled victims, one of whom is suing for conflict of interest.
Seattle Weekly |
Nina Shapiro |
02-15-2006 |
Pay to Praynew
When it comes to paying taxes, there's no valid reason that religion deserves a free ride on the aching backs of the teeming, taxpaying, nonbelieving masses.
East Bay Express |
Chris Thompson |
08-29-2005 |
Top Church Official Turned Blind Eye Toward Accused Priestnew
Pope Benedict XVI named William J. Levada Roman Catholicism's top doctrinal watchdog -- even though, as San Francisco archbishop, Levada resolutely looked away from sex-abuse complaints against a renowned priest and legal scholar.
Catholic Church Tries to Keep Court Documents Zipped Upnew
San Francisco Archbishop William Levada doesn't want the public to know about decades of alleged sexual misconduct by his clerics. But why are district attorneys in San Mateo, Marin and San Francisco helping him keep secrets?
SF Weekly |
Ron Russell |
01-24-2005 |
Crime & Justice
Cardinal Mahony Must Turn Over Documentsnew
A Los Angeles judge has stripped Cardinal Roger Mahony of his holy façade and ordered him to turn over 500 documents relating to priests under investigation for sexual abuse to a criminal grand jury.
L.A. Weekly |
Jeffrey Anderson |
09-20-2004 |
Tags: religion, priest sex abuse, Deputy District Attorney Bill Hodgman, Deputy District Attorney Jane Robison, District Attorney Steve Cooley, Don Steier, Judge Thomas Nuss, Los Angeles Police Chief William Bratton, Mahony’s lawyer Mike Hennigan, Michael Baker, Michael Wempe and Stephen Hernandez, Neville Rucker and Michael Wempe, now a bishop in Santa Barbara, Thomas Curry, Vicar for Clergy Stephen Dyer