AltWeeklies Wire

Leave No Child Inside: How Nature-Deficit Disorder is Affecting Our Kidsnew

Despite all the benefits that outdoor play offers, more and more kids are spending their time inside instead of out. In fact, according to a recent report put out by the National Wildlife Federation, children are spending half as much time outside as they did 20 years ago.
Boulder Weekly  |  Dana Logan  |  07-21-2008  |  Children & Families

Finding Meaning in the Oldest Storynew

It’s a terrible struggle, becoming human, but this is exactly what Actors Scene Unseen attempts in a rejuvenation of one of the world’s oldest stories in “Gilgamesh: A Verse Play.” Pulitzer Prize winning poet Yusef Komunyakaa and former Executive Director of Inverse Theater Chad Garcia reinvent the ageless epic in an audio experience. The work of the two reminds contemporary listeners of the pains necessary in the search for meaning between man and the supernatural.
Metro Spirit  |  Jason Sumerau  |  04-27-2008  |  Fiction

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