AltWeeklies Wire
Big Oil Dominates the GOP, Especially in Palin's Alaskanew

The longer we discuss Sarah Palin's uterus, the more likely it is that American politics will remain distracted from the central issue of this election: whether the lords of oil will continue to control the United States as surely as they control Alaska.
Artvoice |
Bruce Fisher |
09-15-2008 |
Four More Years of 'Change'new
It seems like someone keeps hitting the "replay" button on our election years. Take this year's Republican coronation of John McCain -- we've seen this dog-and-pony show before. Specifically, we saw it in 2000, when George W. Bush ran for president -- the same slogans, same promises, and same candidate packaging.
Artvoice |
Michael I. Niman |
09-15-2008 |
Dems Hurt Their Chances by Their Reaction to Palinnew
The obvious thing for Obama to do is to ignore Palin and run against McCain. But he can't ignore her. In the past two weeks, Palin has obtained star power comparable to Obama's. He's in a finger-trap with her and in a death match.
Boulder Weekly |
Paul Danish |
09-15-2008 |
Election '08: Where Are the Real Issues?new
Ignore the idiot bloggers: A politician's religion, wealth and old traffic violations aren't important.
Tucson Weekly |
Tom Danehy |
09-12-2008 |
Michelle Obama's Night Out in
Michelle delivers her remarks as Sarah Palin is set to give her RNC address, and Michelle gives an indirect reference to Palin, noting that her husband is "not afraid of smart people."
L.A. Weekly |
Patrick Range Mcdonald |
09-12-2008 |
Sarah Palin: Just a 'Country' Girlnew

Palin's brand is an enduring one, reliable for selling everything from oil-guzzling pickup trucks to oatmeal cookies: rural, small-town America. But it is the unspoken backstory, at least as Palin and the GOP subtly tell it, that gives the brand its power. "Country" reads red, white and blue -- with the emphasis on white.
Seven Days |
Judith Levine |
09-12-2008 |
You'll Never Be VP: A Letter to My Daughter, the Community Organizernew
As I listened to Governor Sarah Palin address the nation the other night, I had to confess that -- as your father -- I have clearly failed.
L.A. Weekly |
Marc Cooper |
09-12-2008 |
In American Politics, Nuance is for Losersnew
For now, Obama is staying on the high road. I hope to God I'm wrong -- and I wish I had more faith in the American electorate -- but in this country today, the high road often leads straight to Loserville.
The Memphis Flyer |
Bruce VanWyngarden |
09-12-2008 |
Sarah Palin's White Female Privilegenew
White women have privileges that a black woman will never have. Take, for example, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. I could never run for vice president of the United States of America with her resume, scandals and daughter.
Creative Loafing (Charlotte) |
Nsenga Burton |
09-11-2008 |
Pregnancy Is the New Blacknew
While celebrity stalkers delight in Hollywood babies, Beltway pundits are parsing and spinning the latest wave of ovarian escapades. Have girls really gone wild?
Boston Phoenix |
Kara Baskin |
09-11-2008 |
McCain's War on Media Could Cost Him in Novembernew

The RNC featured McCain's formal, foolhardy declaration of war on the press -- the same press, by the way, that made him a political superstar. Now the press seems inclined to fire back.
Boston Phoenix |
Adam Reilly |
09-11-2008 |
Exploring the Now-Famous Hockey-Mom Analogynew
Unless you'd like to see what the sinew and tissue inside your shoulder socket look like while you're being called a goddamned son of a bitch assface, you assface, never come between an Alaskan hockey mom and her kids.
Boston Phoenix |
Sara Faith Alterman |
09-11-2008 |
Who is Sarah Palin?new
By the deft use of lies and distortions McCain, Palin and their surrogates turned a blank canvas overnight into a portrait of a stylish Joan of Arc.
Arkansas Times |
Ernest Dumas |
09-11-2008 |
Sexism on a Stick: Conventions Prove that Women are the New Blacknew
I've had a blast watching how both Republicans and Democrats come together and act like they really give a rat's ass about the status of women in this country. I'm at a loss as to which party's ploy is more cynical: Barack Obama and his adoption of the "equal pay for equal work" mantra or John McCain and his choice of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate.
Charleston City Paper |
D.A. Smith |
09-11-2008 |
Forget Palin's Shortcomings as a VP Pick ... Who's Going to Play Her in the Movie?new
Barack Obama exudes the cool glamour of a movie star, but all he's promising the masses is hope and change. Palin, on other hand, is promising drama. Wacky, quirky, fish-out-of-water drama. And right now, America's Got Talent and CSI reruns aren't cutting it.
Las Vegas Weekly |
Greg Beato |
09-11-2008 |