AltWeeklies Wire
A Matter of Authoritynew
For 20 years, the Critical Art Ensemble has made challenging interventionist art -- now one of its members may spend 20 years in federal prison for it.
Metroland |
Shawn Stone |
03-10-2006 |
Civil Liberties
Bush Blindfolds the Publicnew
From the Patriot Act to presidential records, George W. Bush has presided over an unprecedented rise in government secrecy.
Boston Phoenix |
Dan Kennedy |
10-28-2004 |
Radio Producers Will Revive Edward R. Murrow Classicnew
During the Communist witchhunt of the 1950s, Edward R. Murrow's daily radio show "This I Believe" boasted 39 million listeners, who tuned in to hear regular Americans state their own beliefs. A new version of the show is set to start on NPR in January.
LEO Weekly |
Willie Davis |
06-29-2004 |