AltWeeklies Wire

Yes, I Can (Balance the Budget)

Theoretical budget-balancing exercises help enlighten us about where our taxdollars really go. So let's roll up our sleeves and start some back-of-the-envelope slashing.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  11-11-2010  |  Commentary

Undoing the New Deal?new

The dismantling of Social Security and Medicare was Obama's campaign promise nobody heard, and until recently, change was only at a snails pace. That's destined to change with a recent decision by the House of Representatives.
Random Lengths News  |  Paul Rosenberg  |  07-09-2010  |  Politics

Patrick Creadon's Chilling Doc Proves the Economy is About to Implodenew

For a topic as inherently boring as economics, Creadon (who accomplished something similar with his doc Wordplay) has managed a creditable job of keeping our attention throughout I.O.U.S.A.
New York Press  |  Mark Peikert  |  08-25-2008  |  Reviews

Social Security Benefit to Be Tiednew

The government killed his parents. But 50 years later, Professor Michael Meeropol is fighting to save government's biggest program, Social Security, for the next generation.
New Haven Advocate  |  Andrew Varnon  |  04-07-2005  |  Politics

War on the Poornew

Under proposed national budgets, the rich will get richer, while the undereducated get screwed.
Tucson Weekly  |  Connie Tuttle  |  03-31-2005  |  Commentary

Fearing Fear Itself: Social Security and Other 21st Century Disasters

President Bush and his Republican allies are busy scaring Americans with the invented Social Security "crisis" of 2018 and 2042...but what about the very real and very scary crises of 2020, 2026 and 2037?
Columbus Alive  |  J. Caleb Mozzocco  |  02-03-2005  |  Politics

Inauguration 2005: The Eve of Destructionnew

George W. Bush is getting four more years to remake the world in his image. (Too bad for us, he already started.)
The Village Voice  |  Rick Perlstein  |  01-20-2005  |  Politics

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