AltWeeklies Wire

John Kerry and Mitt Romney Gear Up for ’08new

Just seven months after yet another Massachusetts presidential contender was rejected by the electorate, it looks as if the Bay State political establishment will not avail itself of the opportunity to sit this one out.
Boston Phoenix  |  Dan Kennedy  |  05-31-2005  |  Politics

Offies 2004new

The Bay Guardian presents its annual Off-Guard Awards for the most stupid, silly, and bizarre acts and events of 2004.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Tim Redmond  |  01-05-2005  |  Commentary

Screw You, Americanew

Here's why 51 percent of the voters are wrong. To put it in lingo a NASCAR devotee would understand, "Y’all deserve a good talkin’-to."
Boston Phoenix  |  Clif Garboden  |  11-11-2004  |  Commentary

The Horror of Four More Yearsnew

George W. Bush assumes the mantle of leadership in his own right with the nation divided as it hasn't been since the Civil War.
Boston Phoenix  |  The Editors  |  11-05-2004  |  Commentary

Ain't That Americanew

If John Kerry and George W. Bush were running for prime minister in the United Kingdom right now, Bush would be ridiculed, and Kerry would be looked upon as a stiff, upper-class twit, says a Scottish nationalist.
Boston Phoenix  |  Mike Miliard  |  11-05-2004  |  Politics

Blue in a Red Americanew

For those who live in Blue America, Election Day's crimson tide was a terrible blow not just to their hopes for a Kerry victory, but to their very idea of what it means to be an American.
Boston Phoenix  |  Dan Kennedy  |  11-05-2004  |  Politics

Dubya, You're Fired!new

Commander-in-Chief. Leader of the Free World. Both have become synonyms for President of the United States of America, and both beg the question: What set of qualifications does one need to hold such an office?
Weekly Alibi  |  Michael Henningsen  |  10-28-2004  |  Commentary

Kerry Is a Worthy Choice to Succeed the Dangerous Bushnew

An unconventional liberal, John Kerry has gone against the grain by supporting balanced budgets and welfare reform, by re-examining the way affirmative action functions, and by establishing himself as one of the Senate’s leading experts on terrorism long before 9/11.
Boston Phoenix  |  The Editors  |  10-28-2004  |  Commentary

Endorsements -- Election 2004new

The Colorado Springs Independent endorses John Kerry for president, Ken Salazar for U.S. Senate, and Michael Merrifield for the House. It also takes a stand on state, county and local candidates and issues.
Colorado Springs Independent  |  Staff  |  10-27-2004  |  Commentary

Vote Kerry: Our Future Depends on Itnew

Though born to privilege, like George W. Bush, John Kerry has avoided the greed, the arrogance, the self-centeredness that afflict Bush and many of his wealthy cronies.
Arkansas Times  |  Arkansas Times staff  |  10-25-2004  |  Commentary

George McGovern on Liberalism's Past, Present and Future

In a Q&A interview, statesman George McGovern discusses the current presidential race and his views that Democrats should own up to being liberal.
Gambit  |  Michael Tisserand  |  10-22-2004  |  Politics

Swap the Votenew

Vote swapping, these days known more softly as "vote trading," is back from the grave of the 2000 election. Is it legal? Ethical? Possible? A way to vote Nader and oust Bush?
Orlando Weekly  |  Scott Duke Harris  |  10-21-2004  |  Politics

John Kerry for President

The Inlander officially endorses Kerry for president, in part to "reject the politics of fear and choose hope."
The Inlander  |  The Inlander  |  10-20-2004  |  Commentary

New Hampshire Stymies Student Suffragenew

New Hampshire is going to come down to one or two thousand votes, so Republicans are trying to keep students from registering there.
Boston Phoenix  |  David S. Bernstein  |  10-18-2004  |  Politics

Choosing Kerry, Againnew

Nader's ideas are like water in the desert after listening to the presidential debates--but I'm still not voting for him
Metroland  |  Miriam Axel-Lute  |  10-14-2004  |  Commentary

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