AltWeeklies Wire
Former NOM head regrets wording of race memosnew

The former head of the National Organization for Marriage said Wednesday that she disagreed with some specific wording in the group’s controversial anti-gay marriage strategies but that she did not find the strategies themselves inappropriate.
The American Independent News Network |
Reilly Moore |
04-06-2012 |
Policy Issues
Staged readings of 8 humanize marriage debatenew

"We're not producing this reading to advocate for a specific viewpoint, but to contribute to the current statewide conversation about marriage." — producer Tim Scales
How to Change Your Namenew

There are lots of reasons you might want to change your name. Maybe you're running from the law. Or it could be because your hippie parents slapped you with the name Catnip Moonbeam. Or maybe you've gotten hitched and you've decided to take your new partner's last name. (Or conversely, you want to lose it after a divorce.) The steps to making it legal are surprisingly simple; in fact, the hardest part is deciding whether to make the change or not.
Charleston City Paper |
Erica Jackson Curran |
01-02-2012 |
A Goofy Valentine Yarn About How I Met My Wifenew
It was February 1999. I had just written a Sordid rant condemning a cluster of City Council-proposed anti-stripper laws that prompted a dozen or so local dancers to e-mail me in gratitude. It was an exciting chapter in my life.
San Diego CityBeat |
Edwin Decker |
02-17-2010 |
'Leap Year': Amy Adams Deserves Betternew

Leap Year belongs to the Prada-backlash subgenre of women's pictures—epitomized by The Proposal — in which smart, stylish women must be muddied, abased, ridiculed, and degraded to get their man.
Seattle Weekly |
Brian Miller |
01-11-2010 |
One Couple Questions the Legality of Straight Marriagenew
If the New York State Senate does not address, or votes down, same-sex marriage before the end of this year, Matthew D'Olimpio and Rachel Murch D'Olimpio, a Brooklyn couple, will seek to have their marriage officially annulled on the grounds that it is "discriminatory and unconstitutional."
Boston Phoenix |
Deirdre Fulton |
12-02-2009 |
Children & Families
Behind the Doors of eHarmony Labsnew

A study conducted by eHarmony Labs, the research arm of the Pasadena-based dating website, concluded that the more similar partners were in their personality and the ways they responded to emotional situations, the more satisfied they were in their relationships. But not all social scientists are convinced.
Pasadena Weekly |
Ilsa Setziol |
02-09-2009 |
The Biz-School Widow's Lamentnew

It's hard to become a full member of the club when you're branded an academic "other."
Boston Phoenix |
Sara Faith Alterman and Kara Baskin |
10-21-2008 |
For Bristol Palin, Abortion Should Be Mandatory
Teen parenthood and marriage have disastrous consequences. Why are even liberals saying that Bristol Palin is doing the right thing?
Finders and Youngberg Question Marital Perfectionnew
Keep Your Suitcase Packed, Finders and Youngberg's debut album, is compelling, in part, because of this tension between fact and fantasy.
Colorado Springs Independent |
Elliott Johnston |
08-26-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
South Florida Stakes Claim as the Epicenter of American Bigamynew

Together, Eunice Lopez, boyfriend Rodneys Gonzalez, and her Cuban-American family have racked up 32 felony charges of bigamy over five years. With phony weddings going for up to $15,000 a pop, the clan garnered hundreds of thousands of dollars. And they're not alone.
Miami New Times |
Natalie O'Neill |
08-04-2008 |
Divorce, Connecticut-Stylenew
Our court battles are long, nasty and expensive. Is there a better way?
New Haven Advocate |
Daniel D'Ambrosio |
07-29-2008 |
John Waters: The Trash Auteur Speaks Out -- Way Outnew

On gay marriage, the presidential race, the corrupting influence of irony and the release of his new 'Til Death Do Us Part DVD.
L.A. Weekly |
Steven Mikulan |
07-07-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
Pennsylvania Again Trying to Ban Gay Marriagenew
Some state legislators are again trying to pass a state constitutional amendment banning gay marriage, despite a losing effort in 2006.
Pittsburgh City Paper |
Marty Levine |
03-10-2008 |
Wedding Tips for Blended Familiesnew
How do couples with kids from previous partnerships negotiate weddings?
Eugene Weekly |
Amanda Burhop |
01-12-2007 |