AltWeeklies Wire

Cohousing Creates Community (and Density)new

Central Virginia's first cohousing development is springing up. As it does so, its proponents battle misconceptions of what it is and the argument that the development, Blue Ridge Cohousing, was just too dense.
C-Ville Weekly  |  Scott Weaver  |  05-22-2008  |  Housing & Development

Wedding Tips for Blended Familiesnew

How do couples with kids from previous partnerships negotiate weddings?
Eugene Weekly  |  Amanda Burhop  |  01-12-2007  |  Culture

A Dose of Suburbia: Chain Drugstores in the Citynew

Chain drugstores have been taking aim at downtowns and urban neighborhoods for several years now, and even as the industry shrinks, they are clinging to their unpopular building models that emphasize drive-throughs and lots of parking out front.
Metroland  |  Miriam Axel-Lute  |  09-23-2004  |  Business & Labor

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