AltWeeklies Wire

Illegal Gringo Crosser: Collaborative Work on a Reverse Border Humornew

A comedian and a multi-media/theater group director collaborate on a video pilot about illegal immigration with a twist... Americans wanting to sneak into Mexico.
Fort Worth Weekly  |  Jimmy Fowler  |  03-26-2010  |  Comedy

The Nooses Joe Arpaio and Andrew Thomas Hung Up Must be Cut Downnew

Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas have defiled our town square with hanging corpses: five county supervisors, four superior court judges, two county administrators, three attorneys, an entire law firm, and (everywhere) Mexicans.
Phoenix New Times  |  Michael Lacey  |  01-05-2010  |  Commentary

Ask a Mexican: Insurance Omissionsnew

"My insurance company tells me 60 percent of accidents in California are with uninsured Mexican drivers. Why don't they just take buses like I did when I couldn't afford a car?"
OC Weekly  |  Gustavo Arellano  |  10-20-2009  |  Comedy

Ask a Mexican: Are You Still Beating Your Senora?new

Loaded question aside, Mexican men are infamous for spousal abuse in the gabacho mind partly out of stereotype (the machismo cult, the most misunderstood cultural tendency since the American love of empire-building), but also partly out of truth.
OC Weekly  |  Gustavo Arellano  |  06-16-2009  |  Comedy

Ask a Mexican: Pinche Chestersnew

"What is the deal with Mexican denial when it comes to dealing with child sexual abuse?"
OC Weekly  |  Gustavo Arellano  |  02-24-2009  |  Comedy

Ask a Mexican: If You Have to Ask

"Why is it that those of us who oppose illegal immigration are called racist by many Mexicans?"
OC Weekly  |  Gustavo Arellano  |  12-09-2008  |  Comedy

Ask a Mexican: Kicking Aztlannew

"In a column some time ago, you mentioned the Aztec prophecy claiming that 'their descendants would reclaim ancestral lands in the Southwest U.S., and guess what?' I'd appreciate it if you shed a little light on this statement."
OC Weekly  |  Gustavo Arellano  |  11-18-2008  |  Comedy

Ask a Mexican: Why do Mexican Women Hate Spanish Women?new

"I'm half-Catalan, and the women on my mom's side of my family have spent most of their lives being hated by Mexicans. I've never understood it."
OC Weekly  |  Gustavo Arellano  |  10-07-2008  |  Comedy

Ask a Mexican: Legal Mexicans Who Can Become American Citizens But Don'tnew

"What would you calculate to be the percentage of illegal Mexicans in the United States who actually want the whole enchilada of American goodness, with all its obligations, rights and privileges, when those privileges seem to be reduced nowadays to taking it in the ass from the American government in the name of some shady interest God-knows-where?"
OC Weekly  |  Gustavo Arellano  |  09-09-2008  |  Comedy

Ask a Mexican! Special Tortilla Contest Editionnew

Gracias, merci, obrigado for the many submissions in our contest asking readers to argue in 25 words why corn tortillas are superior to flour or vice versa. Below are the winners from some of the cities that carry the Mexican
OC Weekly  |  Gustavo Arellano  |  07-29-2008  |  Comedy

Did Alleged Attack on Self-Described Snitch Happen the Way He Says?new

Evidence seems to support Kamran Mashayekhi's story of being attacked in a Buena Park garage, but did it happen for the reasons he says?
OC Weekly  |  Derek Olson  |  05-21-2008  |  Crime & Justice

Humberto Caspa Chronicles the Fear and Loathing of Mexicans in Costa Mesanew

If Orange County is the Mexican-hating capital of America, then Costa Mesa is its capitol -- the crucible where anti-immigrant measures get debated, adopted, executed, and then mimicked nationwide.
OC Weekly  |  Gustavo Arellano  |  05-15-2008  |  Nonfiction

Bohemia en Fruitvalenew

Hector Rangel recreates the frenetic energy of the Mexican punk scene on International Boulevard.
East Bay Express  |  Rachel Swan  |  04-23-2008  |  Music

Immigration Debate Turns Ugly at Company-Sponsored Forumnew

A panel at a forum sponsored by First Data Corp. was skewed with open-border activists, an opponent charged. She claims First Data has a vested interest in promoting illegal immigration because customers of its STAR ATM network and Western Union subsidiary include many Latinos.
Westword  |  Luke Turf  |  03-09-2005  |  Immigration

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