AltWeeklies Wire

Canvassing for Obama Was a Learning Experiencenew

Just when I think I know it all, I learn something new. As cruddy as politics can be, there is value in getting involved in the political process. Sometimes that means literally stepping outside of yourself and trying something new -- like canvassing a neighborhood, one step at a time.
Creative Loafing (Charlotte)  |  Nsenga Burton  |  10-29-2008  |  Commentary

Going Door-to-Door for Obama in North Vegasnew

I've come to believe that in my own small way I've helped to allow the takeover of Washington by the present coalition of free-market buccaneers, armchair imperialists and religious zealots -- whose supporters have been all too eager to do the grunt work of politics. And so I take my clipboard and trudge forward in the 97-degree heat.
L.A. Weekly  |  Steven Mikulan  |  10-10-2008  |  Politics

What I Learned Tagging Along with Obama Canvassersnew

Sunday morning and the sun is on low boil. An inordinate number of flies annoyingly hover near the entrance of the Sunrise Library. Outside, a few Barack Obama supporters prepare clipboards and paperwork for the day's mission: persuading people to support their man.
Las Vegas Weekly  |  Damon Hodge  |  09-25-2008  |  Politics

Canvassers, Telemarketers and Parking Officials Talk About Doing Work People Hatenew

They call during dinner time. They interrupt your picnic at the park. They write parking tickets. We talk to some of these people, to find out not only just how badly they're treated, but also why they continue to show up for work, day after day.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Phil Eil  |  08-13-2008  |  Business & Labor

I Raised $166 for Barack Obamanew

For all the talk of how Obama has rewritten the rules of fundraising on the internet, I'm hoping to get a taste of what the training is like to raise money face-to-face for Obama, and how well Obama's campaign is doing on the doorstep.
Willamette Week  |  Kevin Stark  |  08-06-2008  |  Politics

McCanvassing? DNC Wages a “Grassroots” Campaign in Vermont

The Democratic National Committee begins canvassing Vermont for donations to support Kerry under the guise of a grassroots campaign.
Seven Days  |  Cathy Resmer  |  06-17-2004  |  Politics

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